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17 March 2015

Marsha Wright’s Think Big Sundays Making a Positive Impact

We all face challenges in our lives – this is not unique because it is a platform in which life is founded on but what remains exceptional is what is rooted in an individual’s mind; what they let penetrate their consciousness. To make it through the challenges, we need to blend our thinking with our daily lives – they have to be one. If an individual have a negative mind-set but still hope life will turn out good for them then they are living a deceit; either consciously or unconsciously. We need to align our minds with what we want in order to make phenomenally positive and constructive changes in our lives and this can be achieved through positive thinking.

Having a positive outlook in life helps us to cope easily in our day to day dealings. People who have positive attitude tend to be more optimistic in life and happier and successful than their counterparts. Positive thinking is a state of mind that can be developed by an individual in order to achieve their life goals and visions. In other words, positive thinking can be concluded as having good intentions for your life and communicating them with your mind which in turn gives you enthusiasm for life.

One of the experts who truly believe in the power of positive thinking is Marsha Wright. Through her popular Think BIG Sunday with Marsha, she encourages her 180K+ Twitter followers to share inspirational quotes that encourage a lifestyle of thinking beyond one’s circumstances.

Every Sunday without fail, Marsha opens the door for her followers to share quotes that build and inspire one another by tweeting them using the hashtag #ThinkBIGSundayWithMarsha. Not only do the participants get motivated but also get the chance to get lot of audience and therefore expanding their reach – free of charge! The Think Big Sunday with Marsha “lasts almost 2 days because we start from 12 midnight Asia time till 23:59 Pacific,” says Marsha in one of her tweet.

Below are some of the #ThinkBIGSundayWithMarsha tweets:

Paulo Del Picchia – ‘#ThinkBIGSundayWithMarsha Lets all be the leaders we wish we have had! #leadershipquotes’

Betha Mukodzani  - ‘Life becomes easier when we learn to accept an apology you never got!’ #ThinkBIGSundayWithMarsha #Forgiveness

Sajuks – ‘”The secret to getting ahead is getting started.”  – Mark Twain’ #ThinkBIGSundayWithMarsha #quotes

Srkian Nishu – ‘”Safe and security (don’t) just happen” – Nelson Mandela’ #ThinkBIGSundayWithMarsha

The Think Big Sunday with Marsha trend have also gained positive comments from other participants:

Pythagoras – ‘@marshawright: Reading inspiring quotes uplifts the mind (sic) #ThinkBIGSundayWithMarsha brilliant’

Martha Flores – ‘Dear Marsha, thank you for your support promoting. God bless you forever! #ThinkBIGSundayWithMarsha @marshawright

The tweets are different but they share one message: encouraging every one of us to aim for exceptional life through believing in ourselves; helping each other; being humble; making wise choices in life. In simply words, the motto of Think Big Sunday with Marsha is, see the glass as half full.  Without doubt, this is one of legacy projects that have come from using social media prudently. It cultivates the spirit of self-awareness and self-empowerment and therefore creating powerful, conscious and resourceful leaders.

The #ThinkBIGSundayWithMarsha has become a self-guided improvement movement with thousands of people and organisations participating every Sunday. Both original quotes and quotations are allowed to be tweeted and can be retweeted or favoured by other participants.

Follow Marsha Wright on Twitter @marshawright 
And of course follow me  at @ThatoGaboitsiwe


  1. Good reserach on tweets! I think optimism can indeed help us to achieve personal success, and also improve other aspects of our life. Here is some more info if you are interested: See the bright side .

    1. Thank you so much. I'm so glad you enjoyed the article.
