Artikel Terbaru

16 February 2017

Motshelo Savings Account Can Lead to Success

(Motshelo Account Part 2)

Each year all individuals are presented with a blank-life diary filled with 12 months in

which the first 11 months are set for all to write their success story and the last month is

for all individuals to look back and make evaluation of their journey. The final page of

the Success Life diary Most successful people have come to realise that to attain

success in life, one needs to focus on the next action steps in order to accomplish their


Most people usually start their year hyped up with ways to write their success stories

through achieving their set goals but by mid-year, the majority of them usually throw in

the towel due to lack of motivation or unforeseen demoralising circumstances and this is

where the Barclays Motshelo Savings Account comes in.

Imagine having a financial partner who keeps your funds secure and at the same time

providing you with attractive interest rate and monthly interest. This partner does exists

in the form of the Motshelo Savings Account.

This group savings account has been setup with the knowledge that life will always

present distractions to all individuals and therefore, it is there to make sure that its users

never have to worry about their motshelo contributions going missing as it offers funds

security and it also encourages its users to work toward a common goal success.

Motshelo Savings Success Stories

Below are but a few of motshelo groups that have opened the group savings account in

order to realise their common goals:

Zipporah Light Masika Motshelo Group has managed to achieve big goals for their

individual members such as building houses for ourselves, to pay bogadi, dig boreholes,

pay school fees and buy trucks for transport businesses.

Moeza Motshelo Group saved for different projects and its members have been able to

accomplish their goals such as paving our yard, buying plots, paying for school fees,

deposit for a car and settling our debts.

For Skeem Motshelo Group, most of its members wanted to build their own homes,

and they saw Motshelo as the best and most affordable solution. Currently most of the

members are pursuing building projects with the help of the Motshelo.

All Fresh Motshelo Group members’ primary savings objectives included home

improvements and other individual projects.

Youth and Motshelo Group Savings

More and more youths have seen the need and advantages of joining metshelo as a

way of improving their lives and such they should also take funds security and

accountability into consideration so that they do not become overwhelmed of

disappointed if anything untoward happens to their funds and the best way to do that is

by opening the Barclays Motshelo Savings Account.

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. – Mark Twain

There has never been any better time to open this savings account but NOW! All that is

needed to open the account are: P500 opening and operating balance, minimum of at

least three members, Omang or passports of two signatories and proof of residence and

the group does not have to have a formal constitution.

To know more about your savings options at Barclays, visit: Motshelo Account Page

Want to be a ‘Moreki’ this year, why not start your journey with Barclays Motshelo Savings Account?

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